الأربعاء، 4 يناير 2012

women about whom the quraan spoke 4

Women about whom the Qur'an spoke (4)
Sidqy Al Bayk

Published On: 2/1/2012 A.D. - 7/2/1433 H. Visited: 53 times

Women about whom the Qur'an spoke (4)
Significant precursors to Jesus (Peace be upon him)
If Moses (peace be upon him) was surrounded by some women who fostered and cared for him, Jesus (Peace be upon him), who was the last prophet sent to the Children of Israel, was preceded by a number of believing women about whom the Qur'an spoke.
Allah (may He be Exalted) highlighted their role which they played as a preface to the miraculous birth of Jesus (Peace be upon him), and the eminent features of their lives were focused on his birth.
7- The first was his maternal grandmother, the wife of `Imran, whose name was: Hinnah.
She was barren and desired to have a child, so she invoked Allah and became pregnant in old age.
Therefore, she vowed that the child which was in her belly shall be dedicated for the service of Jerusalem.
She anticipated that the newborn baby would be a boy, therefore she had taken a vow to put his in the service of Allah, but she delivered a girl and called her Maryam (Mary).
She had vowed to dedicate her baby without differentiating between a boy or a girl, so she had to dedicate her baby for the service of the church.
She knew that a male is more efficient to serve the church than a female, but there was no escape but to dedicate her to the church even before she grows up.
She needed someone to undertake her child from the righteous people who were responsible to administer the church affairs.
She invoked Allah for her and protected her against the cursed Satan and sought Allah's Protection for her offspring as if she was reading the future.
Allah responded to her, accepted her baby, grew her up properly, and assigned her sponsorship to the husband of her maternal aunt Zechariah (Peace be upon him) after he had balloted with the rest of the sponsors because everyone of them was keen to sponsor her, so they threw their pens into the river and the owner of the pen which preceded other pens undertook her, and that was Zechariah (Peace be upon him).
She lived in a chamber in the church that was made for worship and when she grew up, Zechariah used to visit her and whenever he entered her chamber, he found untimely fruits.
Then he asked her: Where did you get this food from? She answered: It was from Allah.
It was an honor to that girl whom the angels addressed and gave her glad tiding that Allah had chosen her to be purified and to be the best of women worldwide.
That purified and chosen woman was Mary, the mother of Jesus (Peace be upon him), righteous offspring from righteous parents.
It is enough honor for her that she was the only woman that her name was mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an and perhaps that is an honor to her also.
8- Hinnah's giving birth to her baby Mary along with the delay of her pregnancy and the honor of Allah to Mary by sending her untimely fruits affected Zechariah's heart which was full of faith and trust in Allah, and not showing despair because Allah is Able to grant him children although his wife, the sister of the wife of `Imran, was barren and despite his old age.
Therefore, he invoked Allah to grant him good offspring so as to be a rejoice for his eyes, his heir of knowledge and the knowledge of the family of Jacob.
He invoked Allah that the boy be righteous and thus Allah answered his invocation and his barren wife became pregnant.
Allah grant Zechariah a male child whom Allah called (John the Baptist) and made him a master and a Prophet.
That was the gift of Allah and thus the honor of that woman was connected by giving birth to a child in unfamiliar age.
9- The third woman was Mary, the daughter of `Imran, whose birth was an honor from Allah, her life in the church was an honor, and giving birth to her son Jesus was a miracle.
An unmarried and a pure girl came out from the church in which she dedicated herself to serve Allah and headed eastward to conceal herself from her family.
There she saw an angel in the image of a man, so she feared and sought refuge in Allah against him.
Then he told her that he was a messenger from Allah to her to give her a child; how could she have a child without marriage and she was not touched by any male?
It was the power and the will of Allah, therefore it was so easy.
Her pregnancy was a decisive matter and happened at once. She became pregnant until it was heavy, so she went to a far place and when it was the time to deliver her baby, she leaned to a palm tree while her heart was feeling pain for two matters: The pain of delivery and the pain of thinking about her situation when she meets her people after birth.
So, she wished to die and people would forget about her before reaching that would happen.
Then, aid and help came from the Knower of the unseen by causing the child to speak in his early birth hours or the angel conveyed to her some words to ease her heart and calm her down: Do not feel sad because underneath you there is a river to remove you birth pains, and there are fresh dates falling upon you if you shake the palm tree!
He taught her how to face her people in that terrible situation without speech, but by a little indication to the child and it will defend her.
A newborn child defended his mother with his tongue! By speech! A miracle after a miracle: Giving birth to a child without a father and the miracle of his speech in young age! "He ['Isâ (Jesus)] said: Verily, I am a slave of Allâh, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet." [Surat Maryam: 30].
His firm and clear speech, which they hear by their ears, acquitted the chaste and pure mother, moreover, the child told them about their servitude to god. Allah made him a Prophet and sent down to him a book.
Were the children of Israel convinced by those proofs and those miracles?!
However, cruel hearts do not believe, so they accused Mary who accompanied her son during his life, moving from a place to another for fear of tyrant rulers and soothsayers who deceived people, denied miracles, and did not believe in Zechariah, John the Baptist, and Jesus.
Thus, Jesus (peace be upon him) was surrounded by those group of righteous women whose role was connected by the miraculous birth of Jesus, glory be to Allah who supports His Messenger with miracles!


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